These examples belong to the
HTML5 tutorial of ict-Media GmbH. All examples are kept simple but effective. There is an outline of the Tutorial in some languages (
German and
Chinese). Detailed explanation of the examples are part of the tutorial.
HTML5 sectioning elements:
The (new) sectioning elements in HTML5 allow to add more semantic to the mark-up of documents. The examples head for a scheme allowing flexible easy authoring of structured articles while increasing their accessibility.
- First example: Basics
- Second example: Better outline representation by indentation.
- Third example: General scheme which allows to float subsections freely between levels within the document.
- Forth expamle: Like example three. One Section moved one level down.
HTML5 Forms
HTML5 forms allow much better user interaction while providing means for easy input checking:
- The Forms example allows to test how browsers implement the new features. Different input types can be selected from a list.
- Same example using the new CSS
pseudo class from CSS 3
- Another example (a simple calculator) shows his results using the new
meter, progress
and output
HTML5 Editable Content and local storage
- This Example allows to edit part of the document and save the result.
HTML5 Drag'n Drop and CSS Positioning
- Towers of Hanoi a simple game to demonstrate Drag'n Drop mechanics. (ASCII disks)
HTML5 Multimedia Mark-Up
HTML5 makes video and audio first class citizens of the web.
- First example: simple video embedding
- Second example: video with form controls
- Third example: freaky video mutation by means of canvas
CSS3 the presentational part of HTML5
Revisiting the Towers of Hanoi and sex them up by everything CSS3 offers us:
- Substituting ASCII disks by CSS boxes.
- Preparing the stage
- Finally: here are the disks! Ready to play.
Another new feature of CSS3 is the use of server side fonts.
- We use it to fake a medival bible page.
- A click on the page also demonstrates CSS3 animation.
- Less medival but just to show the CSS3 multicolumn feature: the same bible page in 2 column format.
- A page showing 3 circles filled with colors or gradients 120° appart from each other. Allows to play with
and transparency.
- A bigger application, the prototype for a routing application based on OSM, GPS and canvas.
Web Workers
- A cosmos filled with balls that attract or repel each other.